
Homiletics and Hermeneutics: Four Views on Preaching Today is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scott Gibson and Matthew Kim, both experienced preachers and teachers, have brought together four preaching experts—Bryan Chapell, Kenneth Langley, Abraham Kuruvilla, and Paul Scott Wilson—to present and defend their approaches to homiletics. Reflecting current streams of thought in homiletics, the book offers a robust discussion of theological and hermeneutical approaches to preaching and...

The seed form instruction in Scripture does not necessarily appear as a propositional statement such as would appear in a systematic theology textbook. Our understanding of who God is remains inextricably bound to what he has done. Writes Vos, “Revelation is inseparably linked to the activity of redemption.… Revelation is the interpretation of redemption.”5 This means that for us to expound any passage of biblical revelation accurately, we must relate it to the unfolding message of humanity’s
Pages 7–8